ISTDP Therapy in Tacoma and across Washington, Utah & Florida

Why wait any longer to go after the life you want?

Maximizing your progress for long-term change.

You’re desperate to break free from perpetually feeling “stuck.”

Struggling relationships, doubt, self-sabotage—they all seem to feed one another, leaving you questioning yourself and longing for a way out. You’re curious—maybe a little bit eager—to try something more powerful and in-depth than the therapy you’ve experienced before.

As one of the few therapists trained in ISTDP and the only one in the state of Washington, I understand the depth of what you're going through and the urgency for change. ISTDP isn't just another therapy—it's a transformative approach that gets to the roots of your struggles, offering insight and healing. It can help you break free from the chains you feel stuck in and step into a life filled with clarity, vitality, and authenticity.

How it works

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a dynamic and focused approach to therapy that emphasizes the exploration and resolution of unconscious emotional conflicts. ISTDP is not a typical method—it’s more confrontational, without being combative.

This is about facing your inner conflicts head-on and seeing them with clarity and compassion. 

It’s important to enter into this process with a belief in your own ability to generate powerful results. I’ll invite you to explore your emotions freely so you can confront yourself and work towards your goals. It’s key to recognize that confrontation isn’t contention—it’s facing something difficult directly with equanimity. This vulnerability paves the way for lasting change.

By confronting yourself with courage and honesty, you open the door to meaningful results and rapid insight. Through this process, you'll develop closer relationships—both with yourself and others—than you've ever experienced before.

ISTDP's approach to healing is inspired by the realization the Buddha came to when he became enlightened, which he outlined in the Four Noble Truths. When overcoming suffering, these truths teach us it's crucial to see reality clearly and accept it without getting caught up in our desire for things to be different than they are. In other words, we must face life as it is, with a calm and balanced mind, to end our suffering.

Walking through dead leaves in the fall

At its core, ISTDP is an act of caring.

In ISTDP therapy, you’ll learn to break down the walls you’ve built between yourself and your true desires for health and happiness. One of the first tasks is identifying what you need help with, which requires some vulnerability on your part. Once this goal is clear, we’ll work together to make sense of what therapy can help you with.


Doesn’t waste any time.


This process isn’t something we ease into. The minute you walk into the door, we’ll get to work.

Always treats anxiety first.


This will allow you to feel comfortable enough in therapy to work hard toward your health and healing. This doesn’t mean there won’t be any anxiety, rather ISTDP acts as a catalyst for the kind of anxiety that will launch you forward. It helps you feel motivated enough to tap into your inner conflict and the root of why you’re here, but not so anxious that you can’t focus. Just like athletes need a bit of anxiety to perform well in their competitions, ISTDP uses that kind of “performative” anxiety to propel us toward success.

Allows you the space to succeed.


ISTDP is about active work from the very beginning, allowing you to stay focused and dedicated. It’s about getting out of your head and into your body to feel fully present. This leads to more meaningful outcomes based on your deepest desires with each session.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It’s important to note that this experience is not easy and requires a great deal of work for all parties involved. ISTDP therapy may be a good fit for you if you're seeking a dynamic and focused approach to therapy, different from the “traditional” talk therapy you may have experienced before. You’ll get the most out of this experience when you’re motivated to engage in deep emotional work and are open to confronting your inner conflicts and defense mechanisms directly. We’ll always discuss your goals, concerns, and readiness to determine if it's the right fit for you. If you have more questions, please schedule a free consultation here, and I’d be happy to chat.

  • There's no specific preparation required for an ISTDP session, other than being open and willing to engage in the therapeutic process. It can be helpful to be prepared to share your emotions and confront any patterns or issues that may arise during the session.

  • Individuals can gain insight into their emotional blocks and reduce anxiety, leading to increased energy and enthusiasm. They develop a deeper mind-body connection, making intentional choices and reducing impulsive behavior. Some feel an improvement in communicating their feelings, feeling empowered to live authentically, and experience heightened creativity living with greater awareness and enjoying life more fully. Some ISTDP patients reduce psychosomatic symptoms of trapped emotions, such as a reduction in digestive issues, body tensions, autoimmune issues, or migraines.

  • One of the key benefits of ISTDP is its potential for relatively quick results compared to traditional long-term therapies. That being said, timelines are different for everyone and can be both short-term and long-term. This will depend on your goals, capacity, or schedule.

It’s time to remove the barriers blocking you from the best version of yourself. 

Discover a new therapy experience that gives you the courage to confront your challenges.